#!/usr/bin/env bash # You can set this variable whatever you want in shell session right before running this script by issuing: # export DATA_PATH='/usr/local/etc/nginx-ui' DataPath=${DATA_PATH:-/usr/local/etc/nginx-ui} # Service Path ServicePath="/etc/systemd/system/nginx-ui.service" # Latest release version RELEASE_LATEST='' # install INSTALL='0' # remove REMOVE='0' # help HELP='0' # --local ? LOCAL_FILE='' # --proxy ? PROXY='' # --reverse-proxy ? # You can set this variable whatever you want in shell session right before running this script by issuing: # export GH_PROXY='https://mirror.ghproxy.com/' RPROXY=$GH_PROXY # --purge PURGE='0' # Font color FontBlack="\033[30m"; FontRed="\033[31m"; FontGreen="\033[32m"; FontYellow="\033[33m"; FontBlue="\033[34m"; FontPurple="\033[35m"; FontSkyBlue="\033[36m"; FontWhite="\033[37m"; FontSuffix="\033[0m"; curl() { $(type -P curl) -L -q --retry 5 --retry-delay 10 --retry-max-time 60 "$@" } ## Demo function for processing parameters judgment_parameters() { while [[ "$#" -gt '0' ]]; do case "$1" in 'install') INSTALL='1' ;; 'remove') REMOVE='1' ;; 'help') HELP='1' ;; '-l' | '--local') if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then echo "error: Please specify the correct local file." exit 1 fi LOCAL_FILE="$2" shift ;; '-r' | '--reverse-proxy') if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then echo -e "${FontRed}error: Please specify the reverse proxy server address.${FontSuffix}" exit 1 fi RPROXY="$2" shift ;; '-p' | '--proxy') if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then echo -e "${FontRed}error: Please specify the proxy server address.${FontSuffix}" exit 1 fi PROXY="$2" shift ;; '--purge') PURGE='1' ;; *) echo -e "${FontRed}$0: unknown option $1${FontSuffix}" exit 1 ;; esac shift done if ((INSTALL+HELP+REMOVE==0)); then INSTALL='1' elif ((INSTALL+HELP+REMOVE>1)); then echo 'You can only choose one action.' exit 1 fi } cat_file_with_name() { while [[ "$#" -gt '0' ]]; do echo -e "${FontSkyBlue}# $1${FontSuffix}\n" cat "$1" echo '' shift done } systemd_cat_config() { if systemd-analyze --help | grep -qw 'cat-config'; then systemd-analyze --no-pager cat-config "$@" echo else cat_file_with_name "$@" "$1".d/* echo -e "${FontYellow}warning: The systemd version on the current operating system is too low." echo -e "${FontYellow}warning: Please consider to upgrade the systemd or the operating system.${FontSuffix}" echo fi } check_if_running_as_root() { # If you want to run as another user, please modify $EUID to be owned by this user if [[ "$EUID" -ne '0' ]]; then echo -e "${FontRed}error: You must run this script as root!${FontSuffix}" exit 1 fi } identify_the_operating_system_and_architecture() { if [[ "$(uname)" == 'Linux' ]]; then case "$(uname -m)" in 'i386' | 'i686') MACHINE='32' ;; 'amd64' | 'x86_64') MACHINE='64' ;; 'armv5tel') MACHINE='arm32-v5' ;; 'armv6l') MACHINE='arm32-v6' grep Features /proc/cpuinfo | grep -qw 'vfp' || MACHINE='arm32-v5' ;; 'armv7' | 'armv7l') MACHINE='arm32-v7a' grep Features /proc/cpuinfo | grep -qw 'vfp' || MACHINE='arm32-v5' ;; 'armv8' | 'aarch64') MACHINE='arm64-v8a' ;; *) echo -e "${FontRed}error: The architecture is not supported by this script.${FontSuffix}" exit 1 ;; esac if [[ ! -f '/etc/os-release' ]]; then echo -e "${FontRed}error: Don't use outdated Linux distributions.${FontSuffix}" exit 1 fi # Do not combine this judgment condition with the following judgment condition. ## Be aware of Linux distribution like Gentoo, which kernel supports switch between Systemd and OpenRC. if [[ -f /.dockerenv ]] || grep -q 'docker\|lxc' /proc/1/cgroup && [[ "$(type -P systemctl)" ]]; then true elif [[ -d /run/systemd/system ]] || grep -q systemd <(ls -l /sbin/init); then true else echo -e "${FontRed}error: Only Linux distributions using systemd are supported by this script." echo -e "${FontRed}error: Please download the pre-built binary from the release page or build it manually.${FontSuffix}" exit 1 fi if [[ "$(type -P apt)" ]]; then PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL='apt -y --no-install-recommends install' PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_REMOVE='apt purge' elif [[ "$(type -P dnf)" ]]; then PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL='dnf -y install' PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_REMOVE='dnf remove' elif [[ "$(type -P yum)" ]]; then PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL='yum -y install' PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_REMOVE='yum remove' elif [[ "$(type -P zypper)" ]]; then PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL='zypper install -y --no-recommends' PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_REMOVE='zypper remove' elif [[ "$(type -P pacman)" ]]; then PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL='pacman -Syu --noconfirm' PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_REMOVE='pacman -Rsn' else echo -e "${FontRed}error: This script does not support the package manager in this operating system.${FontSuffix}" exit 1 fi else echo -e "${FontRed}error: This operating system is not supported by this script.${FontSuffix}" exit 1 fi } install_software() { package_name="$1" file_to_detect="$2" type -P "$file_to_detect" >/dev/null 2>&1 && return if ${PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_INSTALL} "$package_name"; then echo "info: $package_name is installed." else echo -e "${FontRed}error: Installation of $package_name failed, please check your network.${FontSuffix}" exit 1 fi } get_latest_version() { # Get latest release version number local latest_release if ! latest_release=$(curl -x "${PROXY}" -sS -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" "https://api.github.com/repos/0xJacky/nginx-ui/releases/latest"); then echo -e "${FontRed}error: Failed to get release list, please check your network.${FontSuffix}" exit 1 fi RELEASE_LATEST="$(echo "$latest_release" | sed 'y/,/\n/' | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')" if [[ -z "$RELEASE_LATEST" ]]; then if echo "$latest_release" | grep -q "API rate limit exceeded"; then echo -e "${FontRed}error: github API rate limit exceeded${FontSuffix}" else echo -e "${FontRed}error: Failed to get the latest release version.${FontSuffix}" echo "Welcome bug report: https://github.com/0xJacky/nginx-ui/issues" fi exit 1 fi RELEASE_LATEST="v${RELEASE_LATEST#v}" } download_nginx_ui() { local download_link download_link="${RPROXY}https://github.com/0xJacky/nginx-ui/releases/download/$RELEASE_LATEST/nginx-ui-linux-$MACHINE.tar.gz" echo "Downloading Nginx UI archive: $download_link" if ! curl -x "${PROXY}" -R -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -L -o "$TAR_FILE" "$download_link"; then echo 'error: Download failed! Please check your network or try again.' return 1 fi return 0 } decompression() { echo "$1" if ! tar -zxf "$1" -C "$TMP_DIRECTORY"; then echo -e "${FontRed}error: Nginx UI decompression failed.${FontSuffix}" "rm" -r "$TMP_DIRECTORY" echo "removed: $TMP_DIRECTORY" exit 1 fi echo "info: Extract the Nginx UI package to $TMP_DIRECTORY and prepare it for installation." } install_bin() { NAME="nginx-ui" install -m 755 "${TMP_DIRECTORY}/$NAME" "/usr/local/bin/$NAME" } install_service() { mkdir -p '/etc/systemd/system/nginx-ui.service.d' cat > "$ServicePath" << EOF [Unit] Description=Yet another WebUI for Nginx Documentation=https://github.com/0xJacky/nginx-ui After=network.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/nginx-ui -config /usr/local/etc/nginx-ui/app.ini Restart=on-failure TimeoutStopSec=5 KillMode=mixed [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF chmod 644 "$ServicePath" echo "info: Systemd service files have been installed successfully!" echo -e "${FontGreen}note: The following are the actual parameters for the nginx-ui service startup." echo -e "${FontGreen}note: Please make sure the configuration file path is correctly set.${FontSuffix}" systemd_cat_config "$ServicePath" systemctl daemon-reload SYSTEMD='1' } install_config() { mkdir -p "$DataPath" if [[ ! -f "$DataPath/app.ini" ]]; then cat > "$DataPath/app.ini" << EOF [app] PageSize = 10 [server] Host = Port = 9000 RunMode = release [cert] HTTPChallengePort = 9180 [terminal] StartCmd = login EOF echo "info: The default configuration file was installed to '$DataPath/app.ini' successfully!" fi echo -e "${FontGreen}note: The following are the current configuration for the nginx-ui." echo -e "${FontGreen}note: Please change the information if needed.${FontSuffix}" cat_file_with_name "$DataPath/app.ini" } start_nginx_ui() { if [[ -f "$ServicePath" ]]; then systemctl start nginx-ui sleep 1s if systemctl -q is-active nginx-ui; then echo 'info: Start the Nginx UI service.' else echo -e "${FontRed}error: Failed to start the Nginx UI service.${FontSuffix}" exit 1 fi fi } stop_nginx_ui() { if ! systemctl stop nginx-ui; then echo -e "${FontRed}error: Failed to stop the Nginx UI service.${FontSuffix}" exit 1 fi echo "info: Nginx UI service Stopped." } remove_nginx_ui() { if systemctl list-unit-files | grep -qw 'nginx-ui'; then if [[ -n "$(pidof nginx-ui)" ]]; then stop_nginx_ui fi local delete_files=('/usr/local/bin/nginx-ui' '/etc/systemd/system/nginx-ui.service' '/etc/systemd/system/nginx-ui.service.d') if [[ "$PURGE" -eq '1' ]]; then [[ -d "$DataPath" ]] && delete_files+=("$DataPath") fi systemctl disable nginx-ui if ! ("rm" -r "${delete_files[@]}"); then echo -e "${FontRed}error: Failed to remove Nginx UI.${FontSuffix}" exit 1 else for i in "${!delete_files[@]}" do echo "removed: ${delete_files[$i]}" done systemctl daemon-reload echo "You may need to execute a command to remove dependent software: $PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT_REMOVE curl" echo 'info: Nginx UI has been removed.' if [[ "$PURGE" -eq '0' ]]; then echo 'info: If necessary, manually delete the configuration and log files.' echo "info: e.g., $DataPath ..." fi exit 0 fi else echo 'error: Nginx UI is not installed.' exit 1 fi } # Explanation of parameters in the script show_help() { echo "usage: $0 ACTION [OPTION]..." echo echo 'ACTION:' echo ' install Install/Update Nginx UI' echo ' remove Remove Nginx UI' echo ' help Show help' echo 'If no action is specified, then install will be selected' echo echo 'OPTION:' echo ' install:' echo ' -l, --local Install Nginx UI from a local file' echo ' -p, --proxy Download through a proxy server, e.g., -p or -p socks5://' echo ' -r, --reverse-proxy Download through a reverse proxy server, e.g., -r https://mirror.ghproxy.com/' echo ' remove:' echo ' --purge Remove all the Nginx UI files, include logs, configs, etc' exit 0 } main() { check_if_running_as_root identify_the_operating_system_and_architecture judgment_parameters "$@" # Parameter information [[ "$HELP" -eq '1' ]] && show_help [[ "$REMOVE" -eq '1' ]] && remove_nginx_ui # Important Variables TMP_DIRECTORY="$(mktemp -d)" TAR_FILE="${TMP_DIRECTORY}/nginx-ui-linux-$MACHINE.tar.gz" install_software 'curl' 'curl' # Install from a local file if [[ -n "$LOCAL_FILE" ]]; then echo "info: Install Nginx UI from a local file '$LOCAL_FILE'." decompression "$LOCAL_FILE" else get_latest_version echo "info: Installing Nginx UI $RELEASE_LATEST for $(uname -m)" if ! download_nginx_ui; then "rm" -r "$TMP_DIRECTORY" echo "removed: $TMP_DIRECTORY" exit 1 fi decompression "$TAR_FILE" fi # Determine if nginx-ui is running if systemctl list-unit-files | grep -qw 'nginx-ui'; then if [[ -n "$(pidof nginx-ui)" ]]; then stop_nginx_ui NGINX_UI_RUNNING='1' fi fi install_bin echo 'installed: /usr/local/bin/nginx-ui' install_service if [[ "$SYSTEMD" -eq '1' ]]; then echo "installed: ${ServicePath}" fi "rm" -r "$TMP_DIRECTORY" echo "removed: $TMP_DIRECTORY" echo "info: Nginx UI $RELEASE_LATEST is installed." install_config if [[ "$NGINX_UI_RUNNING" -eq '1' ]]; then start_nginx_ui else systemctl start nginx-ui systemctl enable nginx-ui sleep 1s if systemctl -q is-active nginx-ui; then echo "info: Start and enable the Nginx UI service." else echo -e "${FontYellow}warning: Failed to enable and start the Nginx UI service.${FontSuffix}" fi fi } main "$@"