import json import logging import os import re import shutil import subprocess from functools import lru_cache from http.server import HTTPServer, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler from importlib import metadata from multiprocessing import Pool from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union import mkdocs.utils import typer import yaml from jinja2 import Template logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) app = typer.Typer() mkdocs_name = "mkdocs.yml" missing_translation_snippet = """ {!../../../docs/!} """ non_translated_sections = [ "reference/", "", "", "", "", "", "", ] docs_path = Path("docs") en_docs_path = Path("docs/en") en_config_path: Path = en_docs_path / mkdocs_name site_path = Path("site").absolute() build_site_path = Path("site_build").absolute() @lru_cache def is_mkdocs_insiders() -> bool: version = metadata.version("mkdocs-material") return "insiders" in version def get_en_config() -> Dict[str, Any]: return mkdocs.utils.yaml_load(en_config_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8")) def get_lang_paths() -> List[Path]: return sorted(docs_path.iterdir()) def lang_callback(lang: Optional[str]) -> Union[str, None]: if lang is None: return None lang = lang.lower() return lang def complete_existing_lang(incomplete: str): lang_path: Path for lang_path in get_lang_paths(): if lang_path.is_dir() and yield @app.callback() def callback() -> None: if is_mkdocs_insiders(): os.environ["INSIDERS_FILE"] = "../en/mkdocs.insiders.yml" # For MacOS with insiders and Cairo os.environ["DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH"] = "/opt/homebrew/lib" @app.command() def new_lang(lang: str = typer.Argument(..., callback=lang_callback)): """ Generate a new docs translation directory for the language LANG. """ new_path: Path = Path("docs") / lang if new_path.exists(): typer.echo(f"The language was already created: {lang}") raise typer.Abort() new_path.mkdir() new_config_path: Path = Path(new_path) / mkdocs_name new_config_path.write_text("INHERIT: ../en/mkdocs.yml\n", encoding="utf-8") new_config_docs_path: Path = new_path / "docs" new_config_docs_path.mkdir() en_index_path: Path = en_docs_path / "docs" / "" new_index_path: Path = new_config_docs_path / "" en_index_content = en_index_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8") new_index_content = f"{missing_translation_snippet}\n\n{en_index_content}" new_index_path.write_text(new_index_content, encoding="utf-8") typer.secho(f"Successfully initialized: {new_path}", color=typer.colors.GREEN) update_languages() @app.command() def build_lang( lang: str = typer.Argument( ..., callback=lang_callback, autocompletion=complete_existing_lang ), ) -> None: """ Build the docs for a language. """ insiders_env_file = os.environ.get("INSIDERS_FILE") print(f"Insiders file {insiders_env_file}") if is_mkdocs_insiders(): print("Using insiders") lang_path: Path = Path("docs") / lang if not lang_path.is_dir(): typer.echo(f"The language translation doesn't seem to exist yet: {lang}") raise typer.Abort() typer.echo(f"Building docs for: {lang}") build_site_dist_path = build_site_path / lang if lang == "en": dist_path = site_path # Don't remove en dist_path as it might already contain other languages. # When running build_all(), that function already removes site_path. # All this is only relevant locally, on GitHub Actions all this is done through # artifacts and multiple workflows, so it doesn't matter if directories are # removed or not. else: dist_path = site_path / lang shutil.rmtree(dist_path, ignore_errors=True) current_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(lang_path) shutil.rmtree(build_site_dist_path, ignore_errors=True)["mkdocs", "build", "--site-dir", build_site_dist_path], check=True) shutil.copytree(build_site_dist_path, dist_path, dirs_exist_ok=True) os.chdir(current_dir) typer.secho(f"Successfully built docs for: {lang}", color=typer.colors.GREEN) index_sponsors_template = """ {% if sponsors %} {% for sponsor in -%} {% endfor -%} {%- for sponsor in sponsors.silver -%} {% endfor %} {% endif %} """ def generate_readme_content() -> str: en_index = en_docs_path / "docs" / "" content = en_index.read_text("utf-8") match_pre ="\n\n", content) match_start ="", content) match_end ="", content) sponsors_data_path = en_docs_path / "data" / "sponsors.yml" sponsors = mkdocs.utils.yaml_load(sponsors_data_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8")) if not (match_start and match_end): raise RuntimeError("Couldn't auto-generate sponsors section") if not match_pre: raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find pre section (